7 Things I Wish I Knew Before Going Vegan 

vegies and fruit rainbow.jpeg

7 things I wish I knew before becoming vegan

  1. You will get enough protein and don’t listen to folks who seem to think they are now nutrition experts because you said you are vegan!  Why are y’all suddenly worried about my protein intake, geesh! (Yes, I’m a bit salty lol) Anywho, like I said the plants got you covered. Where do you think the animals got their protein from? *whispers* plants...quinoa, broccoli, teff, brown rice, oats, peas, all varieties of beans, nuts and nut butters just to name a few plants rich in protein. And if you are like me and you like a protein shake after a hard workout, we gots that too! My favorite vegan protein powder comes from Whole Foods but there are tons out there and I’d recommend you test them out and find your fav.

  1. It does not have to be expensive. As a grad student I am not in the best financial position so splurging in the organic section at Whole Foods is not an option for me (although I wish it was). So, I tend to do a lot of my shopping at Aldi/Trader Joe’s/Sprouts/Natural Grocers (check for sales at these places) first, then just for very specific things: Whole Foods. In that order! I am also not opposed to Target and local grocery stores in my area and Farmers Markets. 

  1. Stop trying to replace meat! Not that it is irreplaceable cause clearly, I told that meat bye! But you must free yourself from this mindset that I need a meat like substance in my dish. Companies play off this by providing lots of veggie patties, chikin, veggie crumbles etc. And don’t get me wrong sometimes you want some beyond meat (one off my favorites if I’m going for a meat alternative) in your spaghetti bolognaise, but it’s ok to just put a bunch of veggies and skip it altogether. This leads me to number 4...

  1. Slow down with all the processed vegan food! Now if you are like me, you began your vegan cooking journey by just veganizing your favorite dishes. The ground turkey in your chili became veggie crumbles, the cheese on your homemade pizza became veggie shreds, the sausage you ate for breakfast became veggie sausage and the list goes on. Everything came out of a package and it was highly processed but it’s vegan so it’s healthy right?!  Absolutely not! Vegan or not processed foods are still dead and not living whole food. Now don’t get me wrong I still indulge in a packaged vegan options from time to time but I keep in mind that I must eat life to stay live! So, it’s best to eat things in their original form. If you must process them (i.e. turning raw cashews into cheese) doing it yourself is always a great option. There will be less ingredients and unnecessary additives. But if you must pick up the convenient vegan foods read the labels and really assess what you are putting in your body based on the list of ingredients.

  1. Broccoli and Kale is not it bruh! Now I’m being funny because I knew there were more vegetables than this but to be honest my choices when it came to the veggies I consumed prior to going vegan were very basic. Even when it came to fruit, I kept it real safe. Going vegan really helped me to get out of my comfort zone and try all kinds of fruits and veg. I have even revisited veggies and fruits I thought I did not like and I love them now! My diet and my palate have changed a lot and I’d say it’s for the better.

  1. It’s a mindset change and a lifestyle, not a restrictive diet. Eating this way is not about what you can’t eat, it’s about what you can! If you focus so much on I can’t have dairy, I can’t have eggs, I can’t have meat, woe is me! you are setting yourself up for a miserable transition and or failure. The list of don’ts is super short compared to the list of do’s. I would list them now, buttttt we don’t have time for that right now lol.

  1. Here we are at the last thing I wish I knew. Drum Roll Please! …Veganism is not just for rich folks, White folks, or Hippies. Now yes there are vegans out there who identify as rich, White, or Hippies but I’m uh *cough* vegan and I’m not sure if you noticed but I’m unapologetically Black mixed with Black with a side of Black, and I ball on a budget lol. This is one of the many reasons why I️ have done my best to promote this lifestyle; visibility and representation is truly everything! Health does not equal White or wealthy. Health is for all regardless of race, creed, SES, etc. So, join me on this amazing journey as I continue to live #ShidasVegLife out loud!

-Love, Peace, & Vegetables 


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