10 Random Facts About Us
I love to run. Its my outlet and truly energizes me.
I am morning person. Waking up at 8 am is my idea of sleeping in.
Cooking lets me bring out my creative side. I love to come up with new recipes in the lab (kitchen).
As I child I wanted to grow up and be a comedian.
I love Mexican food and tacos are life!
I am not a morning person and will give you the death stare when I first wake up. Its not personal, its just too early.
I love avocados! It is my favorite food and I eat it daily. It has gotten to the point that I had to put myself on a 1 avocado per day limit.
I am 50% Guyanese, 50% St. Lucian, and 100% West Indian and proud! If you know me, you know what’s up! And I may have slipped up and switched accents on you lol. My food in inspired by my culture and my love for cooking is a result of me growing up helping my parents, aunts, uncles, and older cousins in the kitchen.
I collect magnets from every country I go to. It’s my thing. I like to look back and reminisce, so having all these magnets from around the world on my fringe just looks cool.
I am hot sauce/peppa sauce connoisseur. I collect hot sauce from around the world and tend to eat very spicy food. When I cook for people I must take the heat all the way down. I guess it is the West Indian in me! My parents made their own peppa sauce growing up, so I was exposed to hot food early and have not stopped eating it since.
-Love, Peace, Vegetables