chickpea cookies

chcikpea cookies.png

Another recipe idea I got from my roomie. At first, I thought she was crazy to think chickpeas would ever be able to associate themselves with cookies buutttt it works lol. And it is pretty darn good and guilt free so I’m here for it!

  • Fit Fam approved

  • Healthier Alternative



                1 can of chickpeas shelled (the important step for texture purposes)

                ¼ cup agave

                ½ cup natural nut butter (I used peanut butter)

                2 tsp. vanilla extract

                ½ cup of vegan chocolate chips (I used Enjoy Life brand)


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

  2. Combine all the ingredients (minus chocolate chips) into a food processor and blend until smooth.

  3. Add chocolate chips and stir.

  4. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

  5. Form cookies: Make 1 ½ inch balls, place them on the baking sheet and flatten them into a cookie shape.

  6. Bake for about 10 minutes. (*Note: they will still be soft and will not set like normal cookies.)